Friday, January 16, 2009

You've GOT to be kidding me....

Just to give you an idea of how toasty warm it is today in Toledo Ohio..... Imagine looking at the current weather and seeing this:

-3* F
Feels Like



Seriously??? Why do they even tease you by putting a picture of a bright shining sun and the oh so deceiving word "sunny" when in the tiny print it says "FEELS LIKE NEGATIVE TWENTY ONE!!!!!!!"???

It is.... seriously cold here. Most of you probably don't envy that.... but your school kids might. Did you know they CANCEL SCHOOL when it's this cold here?? I actually think that is quite hilarious. Because, school is canceled because it's too cold.... then I go to work and see TONS of parents at the shoe store with their kids of all ages!!! Too cold for school.... but never too cold for shopping, right?! (I would beg to differ.....)

Oh, and let me back up a bit.... just to add to the iciness of this post......

Last night, Steve and I got home from school/work and it was 58 degrees in our house. Usually we keep the radiator turned down while we're not home, so that wasn't a big surprise. The surprise came when we turned up the heat and waited for the house to heat up......

57 degrees.....



55 degrees...

Shouldn't it be getting WARMER not colder?


The radiator was OBVIOUSLY NOT WORKING!!!

Steve went down to the basement to try and see if he could figure anything out.... but nothing. By the time 9 o'clock came around and it was doing nothing but getting colder, I bundled up, got myself a nice cup of hot cocoa, piled 3 blankets on top of me, and burrowed in to watch a movie.....

Meanwhile, Steve got ahold of the landlords who said they'd send someone to fix it first thing in the morning. They offered to put us up in a hotel for the night. But, personally, I didn't feel like going out into the negative five million degree outdoors to get to a hotel.

Our neighbors, who happened to still be out of town, had left us a key to their place. After verifying that THEIR radiators WERE working, we called and informed them that we were going to be sleeping at their place last night!!!

This morning when we came back to our place before leaving for work/school, it was 45 degrees in our house.....

Luckily, it appears that while we were away someone came and fixed the radiator. It is now a comfortable 65 degrees in here.....

Okay, so not exactly TOASTY.... but, compared to 45 or NEGATIVE TWENTY ONE..... it's quite nice in here now :)


Rachael said...

Brrr.... make sure your bundling up good.

Rodarte Family said...

BRRRRR!!! I'm glad they fixed your radiator without too much delay! Hopefully the weather will cooperate soon also!

Ash said...

That's so crazy the exact same thing happened to Josh and I last night. Only we don't have a land lord to call so we gotta fix it on our own. We got home at 1am last night and the thermostat said 55 degrees . We we're to tired to mess with it so we just hooked up a heater in our room and luckily the boys were at my moms. By morning it was 44 degrees in our house. We're still working on the problem. But at least it really is sunny here.

Unknown said...

yep that was a surprise. However, it was no surprise that I could not fix the radiator. As a matter of fact I can't remember the last time I could fix something.