Monday, April 12, 2010

We had an enjoyable Easter last Sunday. Steve's best friend (also from Utah) just happened to move to Lansing, Michigan last summer for D.O. School (aka medical school). We were so thrilled that Jared, Melisa, and little Olivia would be moving out in our general area. They are only about 2 hours away.  That might sound pretty far, but hey, of all the places they could have ended up, 2 hours really is quite close!!!
We get together about once a month. Usually we meet halfway somewhere and go to dinner or something. But, occassionaly we switch off driving the full distance and coming to each other's houses. It is funny, because we see each other more now than we ever did when we all lived in Utah! Anyway, we love our friends the Hiatts. They came down to Toledo to spend Easter with us and watch Conference with us.  Olivia is SOOOOOOOO adorable, and she is soooo cute with Robby! She plays with him and takes care of him and "reads" to him.  So cute. Here they are on Easter, chilling in the Love Sac together.  Also, Olivia loves fruit, so while she was here I helped her make some little flowers out of pineapple, grapes and strawberries.

The day after Easter, I discovered that Robby had another tooth that had cut through!
So, 2 on bottom and 3 on top now.
I do realize that the following pictures are not the most flattering pictures of my little chubber cheesy baby. But, really I was just trying to get the teeth.  (Try to just ignore the double chin.... and that Quasimodo eye....)

And boy, oh boy.... you sure can't miss those top front teeth, can you??? He slightly resembles a hippo.... or a bunny maybe..... or, probably more likely it's just me he resembles.  Poor kid appears to have inherited my jumbo teeth. 

I got this little "car" toy for Robby a couple weeks ago. I got it at Once Upon a Child (a store where they have used children's clothes and toys) for just $7.50. It also flilps up so that as he gets bigger he can use it to help him walk.   For now, he likes to sit on it or sit next to it and play with the different knobs and stuff.

And, last month we FINALLY bought a highchair!
Robby has been eating solid foods for 3 months now. But, for the first couple months we would just sit him in his Bumbo seat to feed him. It is soooo nice to actually have a high chair. He is just too wiggly and big now to keep using the Bumbo. Plus, it is fun for him to be up close to everyone in his big chair.


Cami said...

He is so beautiful! Love the teeth pictures!

Cynthia said...

Robby is too cute!! The chubby cheeks and double chin you mention make him only cuter.

Megan said...

Aww that little Robber sure is cute, send him to me!

Sierra said...

He is adorable! My best friends are heading out to Lansing for MD school this summer too... maybe you can be their friends because Steph will be lonely out there all alone :-)

Rachael said...
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Rachael said...

Lucky!!! I wish the Hiatt's would come visit us. Sounds like such a fun Easter. And Robby looks adorable, even with the funny angle shots. That fourth tooth probably isn't far behind. I'll bet if you feel his gums it's right under the surface. Robby is such a cutie! I love seeing pictures of him.

Idontcare said...

lol that cracked me up. Quasimodo eye. hehe.

Brittney said...

He's so HANDSOME! What a personality!

Jared & Melisa said...

Thanks for inviting us for Easter it was tons of fun!!! And what cute kids! :)