Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Robby is almost 13 months now, but still doesn't walk. He will stand there for a while, but hasn't tried taking steps yet.

It is the opinion of many that his efforts have been more focussed on his vocal/vocabulary skills than on trying to find a new method of mobility. 

He jabbers away all the time.  The other day, when I was at a store, the lady in line behind me commented, "When he starts talking for real, he is never going to stop!"

When Robby hit the 12 month mark, he could say two words...maybe three:

(No, not smile for the picture "cheese,"..... food cheese. Have I mentioned this kid loves food?)

 He also said
Although, that word isn't ennunciated with perfection quite yet, we know that is what he is saying. It is more of a "Dahh" accompanied with an arm waving towards the ground. (He says it when he wants to get out of his high chair).

In the four weeks since his birthday he has started saying the following words:

Uh-Ohhh (see video below)
Uh-nana (banana. see video)
Brush (toothbrush)

Four or five of those words were just within the past week! I swear he does something new every day-- whether it is saying a new word, or stacking blocks (and clapping in pride at his success), or crawling into the kitchen with a piece of paper and attempting to open the garbage can and put it in (haha, he did that twice yesterday).

It is amazing how fast he is learning and progressing.



In the "Banana" video, you see him clap after spitting out the banana. That is how he signs "more." He has done this for several months now. He doesn't actually do it right. The hands are supposed to be like this when bringing them together:
(pardon the goofy picture... of a random guy)

However, that was a little difficult for him when we first started teaching him, and he adapted it into a flat handed "more" instead. But, we know what he means. He has made good use of that sign for the past several months!


hoLLY said...

oh he is getting so big and he is so cute! yeah Trae didnt start walking until he was 14 months!:)

Maria said...

Robby is so amazing : )

Anonymous said...

I love the look he gets on his face when he realizes how much food he's just shoved into his mouth!