Thursday, September 15, 2011

Well, Robby turned two over a month ago, but I just finally got around to taking his annual pictures. Part of my putting it off was due to the fact that my digital SLR camera has passed on... leaving me with nothing but my little point and shoot camera. I kept hoping I would find something else to use, but finally just decided I had better just do it with the point and shoot or I would never do it!

Anyway, there is my little man.

As a reminder-- I am going to be taking pictures of him each year in these clothes that are OBVIOUSLY much too big for him. It will be fun to see how he grows into them over the years :)

Here are some of the pictures from YEAR ONE, so you can compare:


Rachael said...

He looks so handsome, and he's grown so much.

Ash said...

I love this idea so much! I wish I would've thought of it with X and Fred. Your so creative! He's getting so big and still absolutely adorable!!! I'm sorry to hear your camera is gone forever. I thought about bugging you this summer during your visit to do family pics for me. But, i didn't know if you were still doing photography or if you'd want to during your vacation. :) Hope ya find a replacement soon!