Friday, April 3, 2009

In Memory

It's been a year since the passing of my cousin Brantly.
We miss you and love you Brant....

I tried to find a box today
To fill with love for you.
But the more I looked and the more I thought…..
I knew none of them would do.

As I assessed the love in my own heart,
I found a box that barely fit…
But I knew I’d felt more than my own love for you
And I knew that this box wasn’t it.

There was hardly room in your house that night
To contain all the love that poured in…
Family, food, and condolence from friends--
That box-- your house-- wasn’t big enough then.

There were people lined up at a quarter to 9
To share their love for you there….
The line wrapped around the church the whole time…
So much love….
I wonder if you were ever aware.

All the love that came in through those doors that day
Not even that box-- the chapel-- could hold
Friends overflowed to the gym, to the stage
What a breathtaking sight to behold.

Spoken words, memories shared, the spirit was there
Love certainly filled wall to wall,
But soon I knew not even this box
Was big enough to hold it all.

As the music swelled and filled up the room
Words were sung of your place with our God.
I could feel his immeasurable love for you
And I knew that His love would fit in no box.

So you see, I never did find a box
That was suited for all of the love.
For there was far too much to ever contain.
And I hope you now feel it above.


jean toller said...

Jenni, that is beautiful and touching.

Shelly said...

I loved what you wrote. I hope Steve and Valon & kids can feel all the prayers in their behalf. That was such a hard thing for them to witness and lose such a loved one but I know they will be with him again. He was such a neat person.

Brittney said...

I read your post and then followed the link to when you wrote about how your cousin died. I want you to know with all the energy of my heart I echo what you say about depression. It is strong and powerful stuff! I am thankful that our Savior descended below all things because that makes Him our perfect and merciful Judge.