Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So, I returned home from work last night at 9:30 and found this in my living room....

Wha Wha Whaaaat?????

That's right folks, its our tent. In our living room

: )

What a cute husband I have.

He left me a message telling me to pick the entertainment for the evening. And there on the couch were a bunch of DVD's to choose from. He had "rented" them all from the library. Who knew you could get such good movies from the library.... and for FREE!

So, I picked Bucket List. Then, I decided to go get my pajamas and what not and get ready for the camp out in the living room. I was suprised to find something missing in my room....

......the mattress off the bed! I had thought that it was an air mattress out in the tent. I didn't realize he had brought our real mattress out there!!!! If you look closely at the picture of the tent, you can see that the tent is actually sitting on top of the mattress. Hehe. Cute Steve. So, we slept comfortably. And had a good camp out in the living room.

I love cute suprises like that.

Thanks Steve.


Rachael said...

That's So... cute! what a sweetheart.

Shelly said...

What a fun surprise! That is a cute idea.

Mike Kirkham said...

Steve had graduated from a collectin foam judo matts to an actual be matress. He is so refined now that he's in medical school. What a cassenova, or is he a case-a-balona, I know it's got to be one of the two. Love ya son.

Mike Kirkham said...

Regarding your food blog..... I just installed smell-o-vision on my computer and boy I'm a tellin ya, them vitils smell pretty tasty. I'll like to know if we can purchse you food on-line?

Keriann said...

Very Cool. Surprises can be so much fun! I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves. By the way, thanks for the ride to the doctor's. I don't know that I could have driven myself afterwards.

Jared & Melisa said...

What a cute husband you have!

JMe said...

Awesome Steven! How fun is that?

Ash said...

That's way fun! The tent made me laugh and then when I saw the collection of movies it became sweet. Surprises and evenings like that are what make the boring parts of life all worth it. I gotta tell everybody about this cute little happening.

Ash said...

Oh and I keep forgetting to tell ya, the new little Tech Paige that works with us now reminds me so much of you. It's kinda funny it's like you and Steve are still here but you've filled Steve's position at the Pharmacy.

Megan said...

What a cute Steve. Also this way you don't have to ACTUALLY camp... with the bugs...

aLi said...

I love it!!! So cool, Jenni. I am impressed by your handy sewing skills. All I can sew is a tablecloth! hahaha. (straight lines all around, and that is all!!!)

Mindy K said...

That is my kinda camping. Got a keeper there!!