Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Toller Life

Okay, so maybe it would be good to give a little insight into what's going on in our lives.
Right now I have my own photography business. Don't be too impressed by the word "business"-- all it takes to get your own business is 50 dollars and a name. I do weddings, families, babies... it's pretty fun. (to see some of the pictures I've done, scroll down to the bottom of the screen).
Steve currently works at Smith's Pharmacy as a Tech and is going to school full time to finish up his PreMed requirements. He'll graduate this Spring with his bachelors in Clinical Labratory Science.
Steve has applied to Medical Schools and we are currently in the "waiting" stage. Just waiting to see if we'll get in anywhere. He applied to close to 30 schools. So far he's interviewed at 3 schools (University of Utah, West Virginia, and Galveston,Texas) and has another interview in March (Toledo, Ohio). A couple weeks ago we got our rejection from the U of Utah. And we got put in the "alternate pool" for Galveston and West Virginia. This past month hasn't exactly been one full of much good news...... But, there's still hope. Odds of getting in from the alternate pools aren't EXTREMELY high, but still a chance I guess. And there's still Ohio. Plus, there's still a chance we'll get more interviews. We still have some schools to hear from. What a stressful time of life.
On Monday, Feb.25 I get to go on a much desired vacation..... SWITZERLAND! I'll be there for 4 weeks. My sister Megan lives out there and is due to have a baby on March 2nd, so my mom and I are going out to help with the baby and with Kyler and with whatever else they need out there. Plus, I'll have to try some delicious pastries and chocolates and see some awesome sights! I am so excited!!! I'll be sure to post stuff to let you all know what you are missing...... ; )


Megan said...

Woo Hoo a Jen and Steve Toller blog spot! Now you can post all of your beautiful pictures from Switzerland! You've got one lucky sister!

karla said...

It was great to see you both this weekend! I'm glad you finally decided to take the blogging plunge!

The Sayamas said...

YAY! I am so happy you have a blog now! Your pictures are really cute of you and Steve. I can't wait to see all of your Switzerland pics, I know you'll take a lot. You know I am half Swiss. (maybe only 1/4 but still). Anyway, I hope you have fun, I'll miss you! I also have to tell everyone who reads this that you are the most amazing photographer! If anyone wants to get some amazing pictures, Jenni's the girl to do it! I can't wait to get more!

Cami said...

Jenni, will you photograph my kids for me?? When do you get back? I know you probably wont have time before hand.. I hope you have an awesome time! Cute blog too :)

I am Chree-uz. said...

What a fabulous lil blog this has turned out to be eh? Sorry I was unable to help you too much with technical jiggits, but it looks like all is sorted out.

Ya know, I am 1/4 Swiss, 9/5's German, -4/8's Japanese, and 100% MAN.

Bean said...

Sweet I am happy to see the blog up and running! It is about time! I like applesauce.(Just thought I'd let you know) You will have fun in the land of the Swiss! That will be cool. You will probably miss El Beef-o(Steve) though. I know I would. Well not Steve, but my mate,err you know what I am talking about.
Anyways congrats on the Blog fool! Have a good one!

Bean said...

Yes I know, to type a "P.S." is pretty gay if you will, but I forgot to add that I think everything will work out ok with Steve and school. He is one of the best men I know and I truly believe that with all my heart. I know that whatever happens it is because the Lord has a plan for you guys, even if you dont understand it. It reminds of of D&C 78
17 Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are little children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you;
18 And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours.

What the? Where am I? Did I just share a scripture? Holy Crap! Everything just went white and when I came to that was on the screen. Wow I am going crazy.Anyways I know everything will be ok. I love you guys a lot and you will be in Jamie and I's prayers.
pps(ok that is really gay!) I vote to take "Nowhere" off of the poll.
The End

Ash said...

I'm so glad you've made a blog. I keep telling Steve you need to create a web site so I can send it to everybody so they can see how awesome of a photographer you are. But now I can just show them the photo's off your blog. I'm hoping you guys will be around this summer so I can do one last family photo through you before ya pack up and leave UT.