Friday, February 22, 2008

Under the Weather....

Steve hasn't felt well this week. He has been really achy and weak and progressed into chills, cold sweats, and eventually hit a fever of 101 tonight. Poor guy... I think it might be the flu. I did get the flu shot, but so did he..... and considering that the flu shot is supposedly only 40% effective this year... I'm not relying solely on the power of the shot. By Steve's request, I am keeping my distance. Sadly the above picture is a pretty accurate depiction of about all I've seen of him the past couple days.
I believe that is the arm of his hoodie draped over his face. (No, his arm did not shrivel away due to the recent sickness.... I believe it is inside the rest of the hoodie for some reason.... probably so he could drape the sleeve over his eyes without the arm in it.... what an innovative young man he is.....) Anyway, it is hard to see him sick. It seems we are being hit with so many obstacles in our life right now. But isn't that how it always goes? What is it they say...? "When it rains it pours." Well, life definitely seems to be pouring on us right now... But, it is bound to let up some time. And, who knows...... maybe all this moisture will do us good.


Idontcare said...

Aw! Jenni don't lose heart... seriously you are so strong and anything you are going through now will only make you stronger. I admire you for how you've dealt with the struggles you've gone through in the past year or so. Let me know if you need anything of if you just need to talk!!

Bean said...

poor sir beefs a lot! I was cracking up yesterday cause when I went to my moms to pick up Emery, my Mom and Adam were following him around with Lysol disinfecting spray and spraying and wiping down everything he got within 5 feet of. It was like a quarantine. I hope he feels a little betterwhen you leave so he can at least give you a "hug" wink wink goodbye

Steph said...

I love you Jenni!! I totally know what you mean about "when it rains, it pours," I think Sky and I almost got flooded a little bit ago but the sun will come out soon, I know it!! Let's have a girls' night soon okay? And, by the way, I love your blog! I'm glad you gave in :)

I am Chree-uz. said...

Chin up chipper! In light of your metaphor, I dedicate the song "Why Does It Always Rain On Me?" by Travis to sis.
Copy this into your browser and push play on the first one that comes up"

Jill McQuade said...

I was blog-stalking (that's what I've heard it's called anyway) and found your blog. I just wanted to say hi and I hope things get better soon. I know how hard it is to have the future unsettled.

Jill McQuade (aka Jill Neilsen)