Saturday, March 15, 2008


Today we went up to Uetliberg. It is the highest point in Zurich and you go up there and can see all around-- the cities, the lake, the Alps, rolling hills.... .it was awesome. There are these tower things up there. One of them you wind up these stairs to the top platform where you can look out all around. Brady and Kyler made it all the way to the top, but mom and I got dizzy about two thirds of the way up and felt like we were going to fall backwards down the stairs, so we just stopped there on a little platform and looked out.

See the Alps in the background?
I was disappointed at how hazy it was... it caused the pictures not to pick up all the depth. So, the pictures don't do it justice.
If you look closely, you can see Bonstetten (where my sister lives). It is about in the center of the picture, the furthest village in view.


Cami said...

Looks beautiful!!!

karla said...

Great pictures - keep them coming!

I am Chree-uz. said...

Coolness! Don't ya love big views like that? Had a few of those on the never do them justice eh

Jon said...

Oh, how I love Zurich. Such a beautiful city. Have you had the chance to take a boat around the lake? That's a lot of fun. The Swiss National Museum near the main train station is really cool if you like museums.