Monday, March 31, 2008

A Tribute

I felt it necessary to say just how lucky I am to have the wonderful husband that I do. He works so hard... and he sacrifices so much to ensure a happy, secure future for us. I hate to see him get discouraged. This whole medical school thing is really a rough road!!! Today, we got a letter from University of Toledo. They have placed Steve on their alternate list. So, that's better than a "no." There is still hope... but, it is getting a little discouraging. So, now we are on three different alternate lists... and still waiting, and hoping that we get in somewhere. And, such is life, eh?

But, I am so proud of Steve and all that he does. How blessed I am to have him as a husband.


Jon said...

It's a rough road for sure. I don't envy you two and all the waiting. I know we hated it.

We're hoping you do get accepted here in Toledo, and we'll be praying for that list to start moving along!

Bean said...

Steve is in my prayers every night. If anyone deserves to be blessed it is him. He has worked very hard and he has sacrificed a lot. I love him a ton! Let me know if I can do anything.

JMe said...

I feel like you two have had more than your fair share of trials to deal with lately. There must be something AMAZING around the corner for you, since you are having to deal with all this stuff!! We really have been keeping Steve and his school situation in our prayers and I know that things will all work the way they are supposed to in the end! Just remember that we love you guys! Hang in there!!!!

Ash said...

You guys totally endure way more then me. I failed a math test and decided that was it I'm done with school. You guys keep getting all this crap thrown your way and you keep on going. I admire both of you a lot. I agree with your friend jme something amazing is waiting around the corner. There's no way two people like you guys are thrown this many trials with out some big reward in the end.

The Ziemers said...

We hope you get moved up the alternate list and in. We really want you guys to come here. Good luck and hopefully we'll see you in Toledo come fall!

The Obergs said...

You're right, Steve is a great guy. Hang in there, everything will work out.

By the way, your poem was beautiful