Thursday, May 8, 2008

Going Under the Knife

Okay, so there weren't actually any knives involved (that I know of). On Thursday, I had a little something called a diagnostic hysteroscopy and dilation and curettage done. I am not sure how detailed I should get here on this blog, but if you want to know what that entails, click the link.

So, it kind of reminded me a of a movie... you know, the person is laying on the bed thing and they roll them into the surgery room-- bright lights above shining in your eyes, 6 doctors and nurses all around you, an IV attatched to your hand.

Anyway, they put me completely out with anesthetics. Such a weird thing... one minute I'm laying there in the surgery room, listening to the doctors talk and wondering what the next step is.

Then, I start to feel a little dizzy, and next thing I know I'm waking up in a different room with a painting of sailboats on the wall. The nurse offered me a drink and got me some water with a straw.

I'm sitting there drinking my water and talking to my mom and telling her how the first thing I remember was that painting of sailboats on the wall.....wait.... where'd the painting go???? When did I get in THIS room???? And when did my mom show up? Who knows.... I thought I was completely awake, but apparently there were a few glitches.....

Anyway, that was my fun day.

I couldn't help but imagine what it must be like to be at the hospital, ready to go into labor, ready to have a baby. As they were rolling me down the hall before, I was laying there in my gown, with an IV in my hand. I remembered everyone saying how one of the worst parts of labor is the stupid IV they keep in your hand. My thoughts turned to my friends Lori and Stephanie, who both just had their babies within the past week. As I was thinking of that, the nurse asked "Are you getting nervous?" I told her, "No, I was actually just thinking how two of my friends have gone into labor in the past week and had their babies, and how all I get for now is" A little depressing.

So, since everyone else gets to post what they left the hospital with, here's mine:

Isn't he cute? He was about 3 pounds and 14 inches long. LOTS of hair! I think he looks more like his dad for sure....


Blaine said...

Jenni, you are seriously the best. I am so sorry for the annoying procedure! That really stinks. I know what you mean about being put out, it is a really weird feeling, but nice that you don't have to be awake for such an annoying procedure. I hope everything went well, and by the way, you look so gorgeous in the picture of you in the hospital bed. That is quite an accomplishment for being in the hospital. When I had George my hair was really short, so it was sticking straight up. It was hilarious!

Blaine said...

By the Way - this is Lindsay! I really think I need to be more clear whether it is me or Blaine . . . because Blaine definitely wasn't the one whose hair was sticking up when he had George! Although it would have been nice if he had been the one to get a C-section!

The Sayamas said...

Oh Jenni you make me laugh...and the same time. I got your text the other night about your surgery a little too late to respond again and I have been meaning to call you to see how it went, so I am glad to see you survived! Let me know if there is anything we can do!

Rodarte Family said...

I'm so sorry to hear you had surgery. Hopefully you'll get some positive news as a result; you've been through such a long journey. Please let me now if there's anything you need! You're in our prayers.

Cami said...

I forgot you were going to have that done!! I hope it is beneficial for you!
If you need anything, please call me! If your ever bored and want to hang out too, I'm game!
Also.. 3 pounds?! Come on.. I bet he's not even 1! He's still cute though.

Jenni said...

Ok, Ok.... so he didn't weigh 3 pounds. 1 just sounds so.... underweight. Poor guy... malnurished or something. Hopefully if I ever have a real baby... it weighs more than a pound... and isn't quite so hairy.

Mindy K said...

Hang in there, cute Jenni and take care of yourself. We wish you all the best of everything. I'm pretty sure even the hairiest of babies would be cute with your and Steve's DNA.