Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Just thought I'd update you all on all the things that have happened so quickly in the past week!

First of all-- the results from my scope. The doctor didn't find anything to worry about, so that's good. We didn't really think we'd find anything. Just being thorough and checking that off our list before we try to get pregnant again. He did say, though, that I am not ovulating regularly (can I say "ovulating" on a blog???hehe) and suggested I take Clomed..... which I'm not sure why, considering that I haven't ever had any trouble getting pregnant. Perhaps I'll pop out some twins or something........

Moving on....... thank you all for your kind words and congratulations on Steve's great accomplishment of getting in to medical school. We are very excited. We have been waiting (not so patiently on my part) with great anxiety to find out whether or not we'd be heading off to medical school this summer or not. And now we are finally accepted and everything seems to be falling into place so quickly!

Now brace yourselves all you fellow Utahns......
It is decided-- we will be moving to Ohio.....THE LAST WEEK OF JUNE!!!! That doesn't give us a whole lot of time, but we feel like we need to get out there and start getting settled into life there.

We have been blessed to have so many wonderful people ALREADY befriending us out there in Ohio, and we're not even there yet. I just have to say what a wonderful thing it is to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Of course the gospel itself is such an anchor in our lives. But it's not only that.... the members, the wards, the way things are organized. We have already had several people in the ward e-mail us or comment on our blog-- all of them welcoming us already and offering us help in any way.

It all started when Steve went out there for his interview back in March. They offer what they call a MedStay program where med students let you stay at their house while you are out there for your interview. Most people that were on the list were not going to be around when Steve went out there because it was their spring break. But, some gave him names of other people they thought might be around and might be willing to let him stay. Eventually, he contacted Steven and Sherri Zeimer who happened to be members of the ward out there and they were nice enough to let him go and stay with them. Before Steve went out to Ohio, I was looking at Steven and Sherri's blog to see who they were. To make a longer story shorter (maybe), I happened to make a connection! Sherri is the sister of Jon, who is the husband of Whitney, who is the sister of Cassidy, who is married to my brother Chris! Okay that sounds confusing....... lets just say, Steven Zeimer and my husband Steve are both married to girls whose brothers are married to one of the Kremin sisters (Cassidy and Whitney). Make more sense?? Anyway, the point is, we had a connection. Then when Steve was out there he met some other members of the ward. There, he made another connection. One guy,Jon, went on his mission to the area where my sister lives in Switzerland (which is where I was when Steve was at his interview) and knew some of the same people that I had met while I was out in Switzerland!!! Small world, eh? Well, lets just say that all of these things made us have a very good feeling about Ohio. And, those people he met have been helping us out ever since then.

What a blessing that is to me. I feel like I already have friends there. Like I'll have a little family away from my real family here in Utah. I am so much less nervous to pick up and move since we feel like people are waiting for us there. Thank you to our future Toledo freinds and ward members. You are making this so much easier for us : ) We are excited to join you.


The Obergs said...

Jenni, I'm so glad that your test results came back clear and that everything is normal. I'm sure that makes you feel better, however I wouldn't be worried about twins, I would be worried about QUINTUPLETS!

What an exciting adventure you two are about to embark on. Again, I just have to say congratulations to Steve. Good luck with the move!

micah folsom photography said...

Congrats you guys! that's so exciting that you know where you're goin! good luck to you guys!

Shelly said...

You are such a great person and Heavenly father has blessed you in so many ways. You will be a great mother when the time is right for it to happen. Heavenly Father will not give you any trial you can not handle. If you did end up having twins or any kind of multiple birth, you know where to come for advice (not that I know everything). You are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck will all ahead of you.

Blaine said...

We will miss you a lot! You guys have really become some of of favorite friends from the ward and I am so glad that I got to know you and had the time I had with you! Good luck with everything in Ohio - and keep the blog going, that will be our only link to your world!

Mindy K said...

End of June!! One last family hurrah, and you're outta here, huh? Let us know if we can help move, clean, etc. We'll miss you. I can't believe what a small world it is. I'm glad you already have friends--and kinda but not really, family--in OH.