Thursday, May 22, 2008


So, my sister in law Tagged me back in... oh... maybe February. Yet, though I filled in my answers, I never did post my answers to the tag. If I remember correctly, I got tagged for about 3 different things within 2 days, and thought it would be boring to post 3 tags in a row! So, now I'm finally whipping it out. Here it is:

ABCs About Me

A- Attached or single: Quite Attatched

(No, we didn't get married in the San Diego Temple...just visited there Spring of 2007. Holy Cow, I forgot how long my hair was!)

B- Best Friend: After my husband comes my mom and my sister Megan.

(Riding the train in Switzerland)

C-Cake or Pie: Pie for sure. Steve hates cake. In fact, we didn't even have a wedding cake, so HA! How's that for untraditional?

D- Day of Choice: Ya ever noticed that when you don’t go to school and don’t work a Monday to Friday job….. All the days seem pretty much alike besides Sunday?

E- Essential Item: My Brain.... when I don't have it with me, nothing seems to go right.

F- Favorite Color:

(No, I'm not trying to make some sort of statement here... I just like the color)

G- Gummi Bears or Worms: Sour Worms

H- Hometown: Is your hometown the town you were born in? If so, I guess it would be Idaho Falls. Even though I don’t ever remember living there. I grew up in Idaho, Utah, Illinois, Japan, Idaho again, and now I've been in Utah for about 12 years.

I- Indulgence(s): Sushi and other delicious but expensive foods…. I don’t indulge very often, unless my Dad is paying : ) Thanks Dad.

J- January or July: Definitely July. I am not a big fan of snow. Of course, we’ll see how much I like July when I am living in the humidity of Ohio!

K-Kids: I like kids....

L-Life is incomplete without: Death. Sad, but true.

M- Marriage Year: 2005

N- Number of Siblings: 1 sister and 3 brothers

(Hahaha... very old family picture. Sadly it's the most recent we've got. But, we're getting a new picture taken next week with our 5 new additions to the family!)

O- Oranges or Apples:

(Picture I took in Rome... who'd have thought I'd find an orange tree in the middle of old Rome?)

P- Phobias or Fears: Arachnophobia= the fear of spiders

Q- Quote(s): "In the end, it will all be ok. If it's not ok, then it's not the end!"

R- Reason To Smile: My husband is incredibly smart,, got accepted to medical school, and I am about to start a new adventure in my life! Oh, and I should get my braces of soon… I’ll smile a ton then!

S- Season: Spring…. New life, new beginnings, warmth on its way….

T- Tag Six: I think most people have already done this… if you haven’t, and you want to… go for it!

U- Unknown Fact About Me: My mom and I were born in the same city, same hospital, and delivered by the SAME DOCTOR. Cool, huh? Oh, and did you know my husband can "firedance"? For more semi-interesting facts, click this link.

V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I’ll eat pretty much anything.

W- Worst Habit: Biting my nails…….. Or grinding my teeth in my sleep.

X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: What exactly is the question…? Which one I like better or which I’ve had more of? I haven't had many X-Rays. I’ve had several ultrasounds. But, I don’t have many happy experiences with them….

Y- Your Favorite Food: I love trying different foods. I really like Asian foods- Thai, Japanese, Indian, etc.

Z- Zoo Animal You Love: There is something so entertaining about watching apes and monkeys…..


Keriann said...

So which hospital in Idaho Falls were you and your mom born in? The one that used to be by the temple? That was mine, and my mom's.

Marianne said...

Fun ABCs. Congratulations on getting into medical school! (I haven't looked at your blog for awhile) That's so wonderful, but not so wonderful that you'll be so far away :( But it really does look pretty. I'm a little envious. I've always wanted a reason to move to another state, especially back east because I think it would be a fun adventure for awhile. We'll miss you, but I know it will be a great experience for you.

Mindy K said...

Cute tag--you're cute!!I too am a fan of the fun foods, but Kevin's not much more adventurous than pizza--wait, her did try fetuccini alfredo a few years back and add it to his approved list. Silly boy! How cute are you that your bffs are Meg and your mom!!