Friday, May 2, 2008


Let me start out by confessing that I am an extrememly UNathletic person! My family (as in my siblings and I) are all more musical and artsy... and not so athletically talented. I mean, we watch basketball and my dad and brothers are actually really into PLAYING basketball....... on the PS3. But other than that.... lets just say we get more into Food Network Challenges than we do the Superbowl..... Ok, ok... so maybe we are a little strange. But, hey. Not everyone is born with athletic talent. And, I for one, must have been absent on the day God handed out athletic abilities. Perhaps I was in line waiting to get some gourmet heaven food or something.....

Anyway, a couple weeks ago Steve decided he wanted to teach me
to play tennis. There is a big park up the street from us with tennis courts. We've now "played" three times and I actually kind of like it! I can't decide if I am actually better at this than most other sports I've attempted, or if it's just the fact that I am playing with someone else who also doesn't really know what he's doing..... but either way, I am actually enjoying it. I decided I don't like playing team sports.... because I am so horrible and end up ruining it for everyone else.

And I especially don't like playing team sports with people who:

1)are very good at the sport
2)are very competitive and/or
3)are wearing hot pink short shorts

1)I am very not good at sports, so it just accentuates my.... un...good...ness......
2)When people are competitve, they get really into it and yell.... and when people yell at me... I usually end up crying
3)I'm not sure why..... but, don't you think it would be weird to play a sport with someone wearing hot pink short shorts? I dunno.... just think about......

Anyway, tennis is fun and I am enjoying it for now.

Steve practicing his backhand.

The serve.

And me playing.......

......with my camera : )


JMe said...

I am glad you play tennis. I for one am the suckiest tennis player in the world. I dont know why but I for some reason can not do it! I love the shadow pictures by the way that was muy creative, and wait till you see my hot pink spandex tennis outfit!
-This is Ben By the way I am just to lazy to log out of jamies account

Bean said...

P.S. It is all good if you aren't athletic. My moto is if you can't be athletic you can at least be an athletic suporter:)

Mindy K said...

Cute, cute, cute. That too is my version of tennis and all other team sports. You'd think we were related.